The New York State
Constitutional Convention Clearinghouse
Information Related to New York's Nov. 7, 2017 Constitutional Convention Referendum
Print Ads–Top Picks
(Communications to Public and Members)
Table of Contents
Physical Ads–Both Sides
- Ballots
- Car Bumper Stickers
- Events
- Flyers And Argument Summaries
- Hand Cards
- Magazine Covers
- Mailers
- Marches
- Outdoor Posters–Fixed
- Outdoor Posters–Mobile
- Phone Banking
- Yard Signs–ConCon
- Yard Sign–ConCon with Candidate
Social Media Ads–No Side
- A convention would reduce legislative corruption
- A convention would be inefficient
- A convention would be too risky cause we don’t know enough
- A convention would endanger majority rule
- A convention would endanger union rights
- A convention would endanger the environment
- Be sure to flip the ballot
- Don’t turn back the clock
- Facebook profile picture frame
- Grassroot Toolkits
- Halloween is convention referendum season
- Save our firefighters
- Save our senior citizens
- Vote no badge with eye catching image
- Vote no badge with text
Social Media Ads–Yes Side
- A convention would be representative
- A convention would be efficient
- A convention wouldn’t be too risky
- A convention’s good government agenda
- A convention would strengthen environmental protections
- Don’t miss this once-in-twenty-year opportunity
- The opposition’s fear of popular sovereignty
- Vote yes badge with eye catching image
- Vote yes badge with text
Physical Ads
Social Media Ads
Supporting Convention
A convention would reduce legislative corruption

A Convention Would Be Efficient

A convention wouldn’t be too risky

A Convention’s Good Government Agenda

A convention would strengthen environmental protections

Don’t miss this once-in-twenty-year opportunity

The Opposition’s Fear of Popular Sovereignty

Vote yes badge with eye catching image

Vote yes badge with text

Opposing Convention
A convention would be corrupt

A convention would be inefficient

A convention would be too risky cause we don’t know enough

A convention would endanger the environment

A convention would endanger majority rule

A convention would endanger union rights

Be sure to flip the ballot

Don’t turn back the clock

Facebook profile picture frame

Grassroot Toolkits
Halloween is convention referendum season

Save our firefighters

Save our senior citizens

Vote no badge with eye catching image

Vote no badge with text

General Education

1938 Constitutional Convention
Supporting Convention
None available.
Opposing Convention

Costello, Jerry, "It Shouldn't Happen Here," Knickerbocker News, May 2, 1938. Big business is depicted controlling a state constitutional convention.
1997 Constitutional Convention Referendum

Source: New York Times, November 1997.
Print Ads

Text of Ad, October 1997: “On November 4, a million New Yorkers could fall through the safety net. New York’s entire social welfare system could be destroyed. The right wing has always wanted to shred the social safety net, and they figured out how to do it: hold a constitutional convention and wipe out the provisions in the constitution that protect the poor. The rich and powerful will booze and schmooze and wine and dine. Then they’ll knock the legs out of the public hospital system, the food programs, the needy, the childcare programs. A constitutional convention is a big con. On November 4, vote no on the question. It’s important.” Thanks to iSolon Board member Peter Galie for this print ad.

Text of Ad, October 1997: “Her classroom is a closet and bigwigs want to blow $50 million on a convention. I don’t think so. Our schools are crowded and crumbling, but the bigwigs want to blow $50 million on a constitutional convention. The last time we got conned into a constitutional convention there were fancy balls, expensive hoopla, and not one single thing in the constitution was changed. Now the same old insiders want to do it again, and they want us to pick up the tab with our tax dollars. We can buy a lot of shrimp and champagne for $50 million dollars. It will be on the ballot, and you‘ll get to choose.” Thanks to iSolon Board member Peter Galie for this print ad.