The New York State
Constitutional Convention Clearinghouse

Information Related to New York's Nov. 7, 2017 Constitutional Convention Referendum


Primary Sources

New York’s Current Constitution

Full search version by New York Department of State.

Section by section search version by New York Department of State.

New York’s Past Charters and Constitutions

New York Charters & Constitutions, Historical Society of the New York Courts. This is the best single source for transcripts of New York’s charters and constitutions.

New York’s Constitutional Conventions–Covering Multiple Conventions

New York State Constitutional Conventions, New York State Library, April-May 2013.

Timeline of Events Related to the New York State Constitution, New York State Library.

New York State Senate Timeline, New York State Senate.

New York Constitution, Wikipedia.

Votes Cast For and Against Proposed Constitutional Conventions and Amendments,  New York Department of State.

New York’s Constitutional Conventions–Covering A Single Convention

New York State’s 1777 Constitution (original constitution of April 20, 1777), ConSource.  Also available with annotations from Yale University’s Avalon Project.

Introduction to the New York Ratifying Convention,

Debates In The Convention Of The State Of New York, On The Adoption Of The Constitution, 1788, The Constitution Society.

Account of the rejoicings in the city of Albany, on Friday, August 8, 1788, on celebrating the Ratification of the Constitution, New York State Museum.  The original source is here.

Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution, Wikipedia.

New York Constitutional Conventions and Constitutional History (1938 and 1967 conventions), New York State Library.

New York’s 1788 state ratifying convention.  This note focuses on Alexander Hamilton’s contribution to that debate and the relatively poor records from that convention. Founders Online, The National Archives.  The complete collection can be found here.